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What are digital forms for?

Foto del escritor: Cristobal Pacheco ReitzeCristobal Pacheco Reitze

Every day, we are faced with daily acts or routine tasks that we must do to keep things running smoothly. From very simple acts such as: getting up, getting dressed, having breakfast or going to our workplaces, to more complex tasks such as: sending an email, presenting business results to directories or making new sales, among others.

Although it seems that some acts are more important than others (perhaps having breakfast seems less important than presenting you to a board of directors), the truth is that in everyday life these acts are just as important. And the reason is simple, they both depend on themselves to be done correctly and efficiently.

The same happens in business and at work, all the tasks that seem important at the end of the day depend on a series of small acts that in sum make a difference and have direct interference in that most important job (at first glance) .

For example: if we work in a company that produces certain products for large international clients, delivering on time and correctly is essential for the entire business and being able to continue selling. The truth is that this delivery never works by itself, but is affected by a series of small previous tasks. If these are done inefficiently, they have an impact on the final result and therefore we end up with a dissatisfied customer.

Well, what does all this have to do with digital forms?

As in the previous example, apparently nothing. Which is precisely the objective of this article, to show that (as before) appearance is deceiving.

It is very important for the business to be able to have control of all these "small" daily tasks in order to control final results, it is this control where digital forms are the perfect answer.

A digital form gives you the power to create a specific control of that task, with the particular characteristics of each job, and being digital, create efficiency, generate data analysis and improve results.

Let's continue with the example of the company that produces products for international clients, if the appropriate quality, storage, storage, labeling, etc. controls are not carried out in the production line. The delivery will be defective and of poor quality, this is where the digital form plays a key role.

If we had the ability to create a digital form that specifies how to execute all those controls, obtaining photographic records, numbers, reception signatures, inspection, etc. We could have information instantly in case of eventualities or a timely notice about its status. In addition, to have the necessary traceability for all these processes and that it is always available in a consolidated data. Thus, we can provide this client with information that supports your product or service in an efficient and timely manner.

This and much more is what luuk gives you. Not only is it a tool that helps you easily and freely create the digital forms that you imagine, but it is also your strategic digital ally when running your business.

So, you already know. Every time you think about how to improve your day to day and have more time for the things you like to do, think about these simple-not-so-simple acts and you will see how they impact your final performance.

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